What's New Archive (January, 2006)

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What's New > January, 2006 What's New Archive

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

These days you can't even walk down the streets without seeing an opportunity for cash advance loans - they're everywhere, waiting to mug you with a crowbar and steal all your financial information and saving! Or they are scheming, waiting for that exact right time to give you a cash advance loan and send you plummeting into the depths of your financial horrors!

Da da da daaaaaaaa! The Payday Hero has arrived, and he's gone online!

Yes! We fight the evil does and the online cash advance devilry that hath plagued our citizenry for years now and will continue their swath of destruction until someone stands up, screaming at the top of their lungs that we will not take the injustice any more! We are fighting the good fight against online cash advances - and we're winning!

Friendship, ho!


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