What's New Archive (May, 2006)

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What's New > May, 2006 What's New Archive

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ahoy! its me, the Payday Loan Hero, and I'm back to give you another lesson about personal loans. What kind of personal loans you ask? Why, unsecured personal loans of course! I am the Payday Loan Hero.

With this update we take you around the neighborhood and show you why the Hero detests people who come peddling cheap personal loans - go for the cheapest option and you can be sure to be paying for it in the long run. We also show you what the best personal loan would look like, and how you too can achieve greatness with these best possible loans.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Here I am America - LOVE ME! I am the Payday Loan Hero, champion of cash loan information and freedom fighter for the overworked, over-stressed, underpaid masses struggling their dreary ways from one paycheck to the next. Hear my cry for quick cash loan rectification or be doomed to the angry end of my mighty boot! Kick kick kick!

Today I go about the world saving so many awesome people from the wrath of instant cash loans - even though I really can't compete with instant anything. I also peer through the invisible shroud covering our eyes from the cash loan online, telling thee world exactly what I see and exactly how to cope with that vision.

Up, up, up and Payday!


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